Mister Cool? Many think so
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Steve McQueen might be the most famous celebrity motorcycle enthusiast of them all but, to a new generation and as time goes by, Jay Leno may take his place. Steve owned all makes and types of bikes but, his preference seem to lean towards big British twins.

Tearing up on the Rickman. Hey Steve, where's your safety equipment?

Nice bike

Testing the McQueen built Rickman-Metisse-Triumph

Definitely not British. Is this Steve and his favorite bike?
Of all his bikes, the above chopped Indian has been reported as his favorite ride because he could ride it incognito. Somewhere I have a photo of him aboard a chopped Indian sport'in long hair and a beard.

Definitely not Steve. The Indian chop today at the National Motorcycle Museum
Years ago, I saw a (light green?), grubby bobbed/chopped McQueen Indian in the West Coast Choppers show room. Was it the claimed favorite or, the bike above? Later, I heard that Jesse planned on restoring it. Boy would that be a mistake.