This started as a Sharpie doodle and one day while painting, I added to it.
As the project sat, it had this doodle on it for sometime. I liked the idea but wanted to do something that better fit the theme of the build. I've come to calling the bike "The Gumption Trap" (as in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance), because during it's endless construction I've lost my gumption several times from one set back after another.

I'll probably refine and paint a variation of this design. The "all seeing eye" is more "Zen" like and pays homage to the Then Came Bronson gas tank emblem. I put "front" on it as a joke like Von Dutch would often do.

I've always thought it would be fun to put a list of Sportster names on the the bike. Sort of a hall of shame. The more derogatory the better.
Just thought of a new name. Since some call Sportsters a Girl's bike, how about Vagina-Glide?
Here's where you come in. If you can think of any other Sportster names, drop me a comment.