Just a quick post to remind you all that the new series featuring an outlaw biker gang called "Sons of Anarchy" starts on the Bravo channel this week, premiering May 12th, 10pm
Starring British actor Charlie Hunnam, (Green Street, Cold Mountain, Queer as Folk) as the male lead alongside Golden Globe-winning actor Ron Perlman, (Hellboy, Enemy At The Gates) and a female cast led by Katey Sagal (The Shield, Married with Children) and Drea De Matteo (The Sopranos), this realistic drama has won praise in the US for its accurate portrayal of biker gangs and its attempt to demystify them.
Get BRAVO on:
* Virgin Media: 136
* Sky: 123
* Virgin Media: 138
* Sky: 153
Ride safe.
Jon Booth
Email: webmaster@inter-bike.co.uk
Blog: http://bestmotorstyle2011.blogspot.com//
Swicki: http://motorcycling-swicki.eurekster.com/