The shows attendance and participation was far less than prior years. Several factors may have been at work. Is it the economy, the $25 at the gate plus (I heard), the Queen Mary hotel charged $12 for day parking, or that the Mooneyes show and a charity ride were two other events on the same day?
I really couldn't roam and take pictures as I had to monitor my art sales but did get out once later in the day.

Keith brought out three bikes. His Assalt Weapan was right up front and gathered a lot of positive attention. One of those who checked it out was Chip Foose. As Ed Grimly would say: "He seemed to be a decent enough guy... I must say". I had a hand in the Assalt Weapan's preliminary design... but that's a story for another time.

I was hocking some prints and a few originals. Some of these are available in my Gallery/Store or by contacting me. You can always show your support for this blog with a purchase.

This was the first time I saw Keith's 1915 Five Ball Factory Racer since it's completion. Behind the bike, (more Bikernet friends), Jim Murillo (custom paint), and Yvonne Meciallis (airbrush artist), shared a booth.

My concept art for comparison.

Custom Cycle Engineering had this Pan showing off parts. Sorry about the poor photo quality but it was one of the few bikes closer to my tastes.

One crazy engraved lowrider bagger. Maybe it's because I live in a cave, but I've never seen a Twin Cam with these old style bolt down cylinders.

These ladies were enjoying the bling of this hot rodded bagger and the blue one above. I heard one say something like, "if I won the lottery"....

Reminiscent of The Terminator. Now I'm not a fan of modern choppers and especially theme bikes, but the jury is out on this one. My first thought was it's dumb, then I thought it's bitchen, then dumb, and so on. I would surely like it if I was still a kid. Probably scares the hell out of old ladies.

This unique trike won 1st place in the pro build class. The 45 magnum is a fairly rare engine to see. It was bit late in the day, but you can see it was pretty vacant of bikes and people compared to other years.

I mostly like the old school elements of the frame engine and running gear.

Best of show went to another unique bike. Sort of looks like an airplane landed on top of a bicycle or maybe something on the cover of an old Popular Mechanics. The exhaust go up the frame's seat post tube and out the grill in the tail piece.

Of course these kinds of shenanigans were going on all day.

Earl of Cycle Art by Earl (San Pedro), saddles up at the end of the day. He was one of the guys hanging with the Bikernet crew. I've bumped into him over the years, but this was the first time I really talked with him. He's a nice guy and builds some nice bikes and parts. Look him up for your custom Triumph & BSA needs. (310) 218-2979 0r
Are the glory days of this show kaput? It appeared there were large gaps in most of the classes with only 3 or 4 bikes in each. It made me wonder if they will do it again next year. To make matters worse, I 'm guessing some of this years vendors and builders may not come back if they do.