I was totally jazzed when he brought it along on our visit to the Wailing Wall.

Stevie is on the left and Pete is on the red bike. It's Pete of Pete's Panhead of Choppers Magazine Feb '69. Stevie made a deal with the devil and the devil cashed in early. Joe and his buddy Nez asked Dave to paint it.
I really dig Dave's work from this period. 1971 was the same year he started doing illustrations for Easyriders.
The painting has endured some stains over the years and Joe hoped it could be cleaned. I told him it was very likely painted with gouache (pronounced "gwash"), and since they are opaque watercolors it would probably bleed if any attempt at cleaning was made. I then added, if it can't be cleaned, it's still a totally cool piece to own.
Later, I suggested he contact Jacquie Mann to find out the media Dave used. He immediately called her and she confirmed it as gouache.

I can't leave things alone, so as an exercise/challenge , I did some Photoshop retouching.
I love night scenes. This is now one of my favorite David Mann pieces.