Here we go...
We took these color shots in the Haight district in SF in the late 60s, can't recall exactly.

This chick seems to have had the first cell phone.
Lar just returned from Nam so it was probably early 69. Back then bikes were crude... even as late as 69. This was before Altamont. Notice the poorly rendered death head on the first color photo.

Gypsy Jokers and HA

Wild trike was motivated by a big block Olds.
The last color shot was taken at the Atlanta Pop Festival, July of 69... always wondered if this guy got lost... seems out of place for the redneck environs of Georgia. This was before the release of Easy Rider and we know how that film ended.

What's she smoking? Bare feet and hot pipes, a bad mix.
Btw, I found a notation on one of the knuck photos saying the total cash outlay was $1,997 total.