The wife aboard her trusty FXR. The ocean is just to the right but hazed out.
Some of the best rides are during football season. When the games are televised, there is noticeably less cars on the road. Even more so during the Super Bowl so, it's become an annual ritual to ride on SBS. (the truth is, we'd be riding anyway).

We're fortunate to be able to ride all year and a nice place nearby to do it. Most Angelenos have to travel mucho miles to avoid the concrete maze.
I'm not like most dudes. As a kid I enjoyed playing sports, but now, I have almost no interest in sports or spending a nice day inside watching TV. Until my wife told me, I didn't even know who was playing in Sunday's game.

Trying to keep up with the ol'lady. Besides ocean views there's plenty of tree lined graceful curves on the Palos Verdes Peninsula.

Her FXR leaves my old ride in the dust. The ocean's straight ahead but again the haze made it invisible.
We actually went out a tad too early as we still came across plenty of folks madly scrambling to their SB parties.