Amongst a sea of twin cams you'll usually see some interesting bikes so, after my third trip to the car to unload parts, I grabbed my camera and hoped some of the cooler bikes were still around.

This 62 had a cool presence that doesn't quite come across in the photos. Engine and trans were just rebuilt. Perfect example of a bike that's been kept alive by the swap meet. Tanks are 59 -60, bags and foot boards are from the 70's.

Those yellow ignition wires aren't helping any. A note said it also included a foot shift/hand clutch. Asking price was $11.5 obo.

I can't remember a meet when I didn't see this well ridden shovel parked up front. Seasoned bike equals seasoned rider.

A very nice knuck. Minor stuff like the modern rear brake and foot controls are a bit out of place for my taste. None too sure about that tail pipe but still a clean ride.

Turned out to be a fairly rare 41 model.

This original paint 1970 Electra-Glide is also always parked out front. I'd rather see old worn chrome than white paint.

The Garage Company usually has some pretty cool bikes for sale. You could be tying down this S&S powered Pan in your truck for $18.5. It's part of their recycling program. They buy parts at LB and build bikes like this with them.

Can you believe I heard a guy say to his friend, "hey look, a old Triumph"? Besides not knowing bikes, I guess he couldn't read.

Clean half 'n' half stock bobber Knuck.

The owner of this decked out 37 UL mentioned it was a ten year old restoration.

Although he acted like it was giving him problems, it started on the 4th or 5th kick. That tells you just how reliable those old flatheads are.
One day I'll probably leave LA and when I do, I'll miss the swap meet the most.